How Custom Signs Boost your Business?

Custom signs

When we visit a store or an office, what is the first thing we notice? Normally, the first thing we notice is the business signage in front of the building. That is why custom signs are so important.

Whether you are starting a new business or trying to give a fresh lease of life to your existing business, custom signs are a great way to build and grow your brand. While most people may think the primary purpose of a business sign is landmarking, the reality is that it is also a very cost-effective and efficient advertising platform. It’s estimated that a good business sign is as effective as 24 full-page newspaper ads.

Custom signage captures attention of the potential customers. Itprojects your brand image in a creative and positive way. Plus it helps attract visitors to your store. When it comes to custom signs, you can choose from a variety of factors. Among them are colors, designs, fonts, and styles. You can make them unique to your business. Custom signs let you communicate creatively and effectively with your potential customers.

Still, many small businesses hesitate to invest in hiring professionals to create custom signs their business. It has been shown that small business owners who opt out of signs altogether leave behind nearly 60 percent of consumers who say the absence of a sign deters them from entering a store.

Benefits of using custom signs for your business:

Custom signage is versatile

Custom signs can be made in a wide variety of styles and designs. Whatever image you have in mind for business signs, it can be brought to life. Whether you want to place it at the entrance, in the store front window, the signs can be customized to suit the location and purpose. Also, these signs can be made using a wide variety of materials. You can choose the one that suits your design requirements and budget.

Cements your brand

A custom business sign can be a potent marketing and branding tool. Brand is defined as, “a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” A custom sign adds significantly to the overall cohesiveness of a brand. Using the logo, colors, fonts, and other graphical accents on your business signage, you make it much easier for the customers to identify your brand. It creates “distinctive images and associations in the minds of stakeholders, thereby generating economic benefit/values.”

Help customers locate your business

If you have a business that is not easily visible by foot and street traffic, you can use custom outdoor signs that stand out and help potential customers find your business. By placing your signs clearly at the right locations, the imagery can point your potential customers in the right direction. It can also inform them of the products and services you offer.

Custom signs are cost effective

There is no other type of advertising that delivers as much as a custom sign does. It is a 24X7 salesperson for your brand. In fact, it has been shown that a business can witness a 10% increase in sales by adding or replacing their signage. The idea is to have the right kind of sign. once you have that,  place it at the right location. You derive maximum value out of your investment. Moreover, good quality custom signs require very little maintenance and will continue to serve you through years.

Looking to invest in custom business signs? Get in touch with our team now and we will help translate your design ideas into reality and create unique custom signs for your business.